Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pre - China! Goodbye Korea

Ok, I have been trying to upload this since I got to China! 

Visitors from NZ! 
There was quite a mix of emotion as I departed Korea last week. At the same time, it was also having to say goodbye to people that had practically became my family during that one special year I will definitely will not forget.

The weeks seemed to have flown by and before you knew it, the time had come to say farewell as this journey in Korea was coming to an end. The weeks have been rather hectic trying to pack, cull and compact my life into boxes and suitcases. Oh I love to travel, but the packing I have never seemed to master. As pathetic as it sounds, I tend to think oh it doesn't seem that heavy, puts another cardigan in the case. 


The highlights of being in Korea would probably be walking into such a challenging and undeniably different class setting to see it evolve immensely over they year. It was an experience that I will indeed endeavor to remember as that learning curve of teaching abroad. If you are a strong headed person, it will probably cement your resilience and prepare you for whatever comes your way.

I look at how far the children have come in terms of their thinking, independence, determination, sense of humor and motivation. These qualities reflect such a meaningful and worthwhile process of how much they have grown in a year.
If I was to take away one thing from Korea, it would most likely be the reassurance in knowing that I have contributed in one way or another to empower these youngest citizens of our society to go out and make a difference in the world we live in. To question, agree to disagree and most importantly encounter every opportunity as an experience of possibility.

Thank you Korea! for an inevitable year as the beginning of it all. It is hard to believe how attached you become to this home away from home with people you feel like you have known forever. It was definitely hard to say goodbye, the life of a traveler is meeting some amazing people that will always leave footprints on your soul in this evolving journey. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blogging Meme

I have been tagged in a blogging meme by my good friend @vanschaijik. I started this when Sonya sent it out (weeks ago), true to form it has taken me this long to try and finish it. Here goes anyway, enjoy! 

The blogging task includes:
  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  • List 11 bloggers.
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer, and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. Don’t nominate a blogger who has nominated you.

Random facts about me
1. My actual second name has 13 letters in it, HanaSorinaFinesi is a combination of my grandma's (Laini & Hana), great grandma (Soama), great great grandma (Fineata) & great Aunt's (Kousi) names put together. You can get the drift with where my nana has taken each bit from their names. 

2. I am a NZ born and raised Niuean and have visited Niue twice in my lifetime. 

3. I am the fourth of five generations, with my great great grandma turning 90 this year. 

4. Living in Korea has probably made me more resilient than ever, the term 'roll with the punches' is something you need to remember as an expat abroad. 

5. I love reading biographies and true stories. 

6. I actually have not read all year (2013), sigh!

7. My favorite childhood movie is 'The Goonies'. 

8. When I grow up I want to be a Photographer or a Traveler.

9. I have known my best friends since I was 13 years old. Today we are all 30, still crazy, funny, loud, out of this world and the best of friends.

10. When I have to get up at night, I turn ALL the lights on because I am scared of the dark. I also have to make sure all the cupboard/closet doors are CLOSED before I sleep. (Maybe that's just OCD) 

11. My first teddy bear's name was Denise. 

Here are the questions
1) What language do you use when you become emotional?

2) What is your favourite movie genre?
Foreign, Drama, Comedy. Oh are you only suppose to choose one? 

3) Who inspired you to set up your blog?
I think this was pushed more whist becoming an eFellow in 2011 and meeting other inspiring educators sharing their journeys using blogs. 

4) Who are your mentors and why?
Sonya VS, you are an amazing soul, who is forever telling me to seek beyond my comfort zone and help make my goals a reality. Lorraine Manuela has made an influential impact on my life and has contributed to the teacher I am today. My Jen Boyd, I wish I could just take you everywhere I go, missing you loads and can't wait until we reunite again. 

5) What is one survival tool you would choose to take on a journey?
Torch, because I am scared of the dark. (Gosh, I am terrible at this) 

6) Where do you like to go to for thinking time?
In the shade, under a nice tree. 

7) Which do you prefer watching on the television, or live streaming.
Live streaming, because I don't have a TV. 

8) List 3x goals for 2014 and explain why you chose them.
I actually read something really insightful which made a lot of sense to me. Which is New Year resolutions, but the same meaning at the end of the day. 

9) Tell me about your closest mountain, river or other natural landmark?
In Auckland? Mt Albert and Mt Eden would be the closest mountains. Mt Eden is quite significant to me as I remember being able to slide down the crater on a school trip so many years ago. Nowadays you can't go down there anymore. 

10) What is your earliest childhood memory?
I remember walking to Kindy everyday rain or shine and getting super excited if we popped into the dairy. 

11) Write your favourite whakatauki, quote or proverb and explain why you chose it?

Oh, this was a hard one. I chose these particular quotes as I feel they reflect a lot of my sole decisions in what I choose to pursue with my life personally and professionally.