Monday, December 30, 2013

The countdown to 2014

As the final days of 2013 are upon us, there is much to reflect upon this life journey to date. Returning to school later this week, the real countdown begins upon completing my year at EtonHouse Korea. At the same time, I am in the process of organising my visa as I have accepted a new teaching role at MEA International School in Ningbo, China. I have mixed emotions as I come to the finale of my time in Korea, however as an expat I guess this is the life of a traveling teacher. 

These holidays I have had my best friends visit me in Korea, hence the MIA with blog postings. Exciting times lie ahead, as per the summer holidays in July 2014 when I get to finally travel home to visit friends and family in NZ and Australia. Just touching base and brushing off the holiday season with the latest. Looking forward to making 2013 a year I will always remember as the beginning of it all. A toast to 2014 and the adventures it has awaiting, let that journey begin! 

School christmas performance day 

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