Thursday, November 28, 2013

Colours, Melody and Harmony. . .


The Art Exhibition evoked so much passion and wonderment as a community, and if anything I was incredibly proud of my young artists! Today was amazing and made the journey of our exhibition worth every drop of paint, colour, time, thought and effort. I didn't mention in the previous posting that there were silent auctions for particular art pieces from each class and the funds were going towards those affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. 

Leading up to the event, we had been discussing this with the children and sharing videos of the devastation. There was also a school assembly where a world vision advocate attended and spoke to the children about the cause and his role at world vision.
This was a 'topic' that was very new to some of these children and we have chosen to continue this dialogue over the next few weeks. They have been very intrigued and concerned learning of the unfortunate circumstances the people of Haiyan have had to endure. Although knowing that they have contributed something towards helping through the Art Exhibition, no matter big or small goes a long way.

Art entails a beautiful way of interpreting the world we live in, to be able to see this through the eyes of young children is creativity in simplicity. 



'In art, the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can inspire' 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Art Exhibition

'It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child' 
Pablo Picasso

Our school is in preparation for an Art Exhibition next week and we have been working with the children in creating shades of colors on canvas. In collaboration with Ms Juana (Art Teacher) we have spent the last few weeks coating the canvas pieces. It has been such an enlightening process and to work with such passionate Art teachers makes it even more enjoyable. Personally I love the expression of different forms of art and being able to explore this with children invites such a content and prolific working demeanor.

Our Studio is the anchor in our daily experiences. It is a testament that clearly shows how much an aesthetically pleasing environment contributes to the children's atmosphere of learning. So as we come to the conclusion of our art project, we hope the families and wider community will enjoy the creations from the children. I know I am beyond excitement in launching their work in a space that will be valued and appreciated with the credit they all deserve. 
To be continued. . . . 


Short & Sweet in Tokyo

So I was in Tokyo for a weekend, why? The All Blacks were en route via Japan for their European tour, I contemplated going and knew if I didn't go, I would be sitting at home in Korea thinking of all the reasons of why I didn't go! The last time the All Blacks played Japan on their home turf was in the 90s, so this was going to be quite a significant moment to be part of. Note that that Rugby World cup will by hosted in Japan in 2018 as well. 
However, it all happened! Not only this but Tyrone and Lorenz were flying to Korea and chucked in Tokyo on their way. Knowing they were coming, made it more worthwhile and seemed like an extended holiday having them both in Korea afterwards.

Tokyo, entirely short lived in a weekend, but you take everything in your stride and endeavor to explore places in such little time. The All Blacks vs Japan rugby game was obviously amazing, the atmosphere was a sea of red and dedicated supporters. I saw rugby in Japan through a whole new light, not only with the support for their home country, but these visitors they held a lot of admiration and respect for, those mighty All Blacks.

Being in Osaka a couple of months ago was a tad un-real to think I was back for the weekend in Tokyo. As a traveler things like sleep, comfort or time zones are not a priority whilst in another country. After the game, we headed towards Tokyo with not really any intention in mind but to tick off that we went to Central Tokyo! We found a tourist centre and a lovely lady pointed us in the right direction for 'must do's in Tokyo in one night'.
Whilst in the central city, we took a look at the main train station from the rooftop alongside other night time photographers and locals enjoying the view. I have to say every time I see diligent photographers engaged with their cameras, I observe with envy! hoping to one day become that photographer too.


We all know Tokyo is known for it's spectacular buildings and night lights that brighten up the city, so we headed towards the Government buildings which provides free tours on their top floor overlooking Tokyo. So if you are ever in Tokyo, never mind paying $36 to go up the Tokyo version of the Eifel Tower, just go here! Tokyo is ranked as one of the expensive cities in the world and it is easy to see why, such intricate detailed architecture grace the streets of Tokyo. There is a lot of city night life pictures in this posting and I am sure you will see why . . the lights are bright and sparkly, reflecting a glowing city that shines.

Before we knew it, it was time to get on that plane back to Incheon. I was ever so excited to be having the boys fly back to Korea. Tyrone is staying in Korea with his girlfriend in Suwon for the remainder of her contract, whilst Lobs is here for 2 weeks. I am looking forward to more discovering Korea with them while and having some family in my home away from home.



Tuesday, November 5, 2013